Thursday, September 5, 2013

Math Fact Websites

We spent the last couple days checking in with the level of our math fact skills. Now, when I use the term "math fact" I am referring to those basic multiplication and division facts that we all know and love (9x2, 5x6, etc.). For the most part, I am SUPER impressed with the level of skill our class has shown with their math facts!

We took two quick assessments; one multiplication and one division. Each had 100 facts and I gave the 6th graders 4 minutes to complete them. 6th graders, you know your scores and hopefully you actually showed your parents when you took them home!! (If not, I have their scores written down!). If you did not finish all 100 facts in 4 minutes, I suggest you take some time to brush up on those math fact skills. If you did finish 100 facts in 4 minutes, CONGRATS....but it's still good to keep your skills sharp by continuing to practice.

Flashcards are always a great tool for practicing facts. Also, these websites provide excellent practice!!

All of these sites give you the option to choose addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We are all unique learners who are working at different levels, so choose the area that best fits your personal math needs! Keep in mind, my goal for ALL 6TH GRADERS is to be fact fluent with both multiplication and division.
-Ms. Carlyle

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