Monday, September 23, 2013

The time has come: Our 1st math test!

Hello 6th grade students and families. All of our hard work throughout the first chapter of our math text will pay off is time for the chapter test! Math assessments are incredibly important, as they are weighted heavily when I calculate grades. Here are a few tips and tricks that I would like you to keep in mind when preparing for a test.

1) Do all your work for the ENTIRE chapter!
Ok, well if you haven't kept up with this one, it is a little late for chapter 1. But trust me 6th graders, doing homework each night and keeping up with class notes will really pay off in the long run! You will feel much more prepared and have an excellent resource to use during the test (you can use your notebooks with all your notes and assignments to help you during the test!!).

2) Study/Review the night before.
The night before an assessment, I will always send home a study assignment that covers each skill that will be on the test. Complete that assignment, and come see me in the morning if you are confused or have any trouble with the skills.

3)Sleep and Eat!
No, not during the test. Please be sure to get a good night's rest, always, but especially before our tests. Also, it is really hard to concentrate on a difficult and lengthy math assessment when your tummy is growling! Eat a good breakfast each morning, and feel free to bring a healthy snack for our 11:00 snack time.

Ok Smart Ones, I think that is it. Remember, when you learn how to do things the RIGHT way, then the right way gets easier. Algebra is hard. 6th grade is hard too. But, if you focus on doing your job and taking responsibility for your learning...algebra, and 6th grade, (and anything else you want to accomplish) becomes a lot easier!

Good Luck!
Ms. Carlyle

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